tree reports for development projects
Types of reports
Preliminary Vegetation Assessment
A preliminary vegetation assessment is a comprehensive survey of all trees on a site.
These reports are used in the earliest stages of development planning, prior to the development application or detailed design.
This way designers can make informed decisions in relation to the trees on the development site.
A vegetation assessment will identify and locate all trees on site, plus provide critical tree data regarding Tree Protection Zones and recommended trees to retain.
This will ensure your architects can make the most of available space on site when they design your plans.
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
If you are proposing to build on a site that has trees nearby (even next door), you will require a Development Impact Assessment report.
This tree report considers the potential impacts or conflicts between trees on site and your proposed construction plans.
It is also critical to consider council planning laws or overlays and the Australian Standard 4970-2009: Protection of Trees on Development Sites.
We will provide impact mitigation advice where relevant and assist in progressing your project.
Tree Protection Management Plan
A Tree Protection Management Plan is often required as part of a council planning permit for development sites.
This tree report provides detailed, step-by-step plans for the implementation of Tree Protection measures from the pre-demolition stage, through construction, to project completion.
Project Arborist Supervision
We can certify all stages of a Tree Protection Management Plan, or sign off on Tree Protection fencing once it has been correctly installed on your site.
Our qualified arborists are also available to supervise Non-Destructive Digging if your project requires excavation near trees and/or provide Root Mapping reports.
Our planning partners